Friday, March 11, 2011
Today's rain water is tomorrow's life saver! Save water
Conserve Water KIDs Activity Booklet | Project WET
Kids at a school in Humberside are trying to save a group of water voles
Easy ways to save water
'Mons Lavabo' Sink Helps Kids Save Water When Washing Hands
'Mons Lavabo' Eco-Friendly Sink Helps Kids Save Water While Washing Hands
save water outdoors
and has some great ways we can all save water around the house, everyday.
Why Should I Save Water? Two already water conscious kids learn more ways to
Here is a visual water saving chart which is available at
save water, conserve water, water timer, shower timer, tooth brush timer for
Even kids can program microchips to save water
There are many ways in which we can use water more carefully, ensuring that
Number one on my list of ways to save water is: Pee in the woods.
Do one thing each day that will save water. Even if savings are small,
Cartoon kids trying to catch dripping water by their buckets. Keywords:
how to save water in daily life
It's something I'm always telling my kids when they waste water.
Save Water Kids Hoodie
560 Kids Sing (and Burp!) Together to Save Water!